"Now, before we hear from our speakers this morning, may I mention a matter close to my heart and which deserves our serious attention. I speak of missionary work.....And now to you mature brothers and sisters: we need many, many more senior couples. To the faithful couples now serving or who have served in the past, we thank you for your faith and devotion to the gospel of Jesus Christ. You serve willingly and well and accomplish great good.
To those of you who are not yet to the season of life when you might serve a couples mission, I urge you to prepare now for the day when you and your spouse might do so. As your circumstances allow, as you are eligible for retirement, and as your health permits, make yourselves available to leave home and give full-time missionary service. There are few times in your lives when you will enjoy the sweet spirit and satisfaction that come from giving full-time service together in the work of the Master.
Now, my brothers and sisters, may you be attuned to the Spirit of the Lord as we hear from His servants during the next two days. That this may be the blessing of each, I pray humbly in the name of Jesus."
Ensign, Monson, Nov. 2010,pp. 5-6
Guy and I were in that session and we both knew that it was time to get ready to go. Our thoughts were to put papers in in the spring of 2012, after Mikes graduation. Guy and Maria have both squeezed a baby in before our departure too. The other families are complete now and so unless Mandy has a baby while we are gone, we are good to go for at least a while! There is great freedom in serving in the mission as an adult couple today. We are told that if emergencies arise we would be able to travel home for a day or two. It takes a ton of worry away from our minds. We will make sure that everyone can Skype, even Grandma and Grandpa Hill before we take off. We live in a wonderful time. I wonder if I will still be able to work on my genealogy tapes???? I have been walking around the house making all sorts of lists of things to do and take etc. Its amazing when we get down to it how little some things mean and how precious others are. Won't miss TV but don't think we could live without the computer!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
The Fellowship of the Unashamed
"I am of the Fellowship of the unashamed. The die has been cast, I have stepped over the line, the decision has been made, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I won't look back, slow down, or be still. My past is redeemed, my presence makes sense, and my future is secure. I'm done with low living, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, worldly talking, cheap giving and dwarfed goals. I no longer need pre-eminence, positions, plaudits or popularity. I don't have the right to be first recognized, praised regarded, or rewarded. I now live by Faith, lean on His presence, walk with patience, am uplifted by prayer and labor with power. My face is set, my gait is fast, my goal is Heaven, my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my guide is reliable, my mission is clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away divided or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I won't give up, shut up, or let up until I have stayed up, stored up, and paid up for the cause of Christ. I must go till He comes, give till I drop, preach till all know, and work till He tells me to stop. And when He returns for His own, He will have no problem recognizing me, Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ The Son of God"
"I don't think Peter knew he could walk on water when he was sitting in the boat"
The Decision to Go!
For years Guy and I have talked of retirement. We would talk of serving 5 or 10 missions and of traveling to see all the places that we have always wanted to see. Its one thing to talk and quite another to actually have them as possibilities. It was always easy to save and scrimp a little to send one of our children someplace, knowing that the experience would change how they viewed the world and themselves ,also knowing that they would come home filled with new knowledge and confidence. Thus it never really seemed like a sacrafice to us. But, it is quite a different thing to actually be the person that has to step out into the unknown. I always told them they were ready for the adventure and that we would always be there for them to fall back on if they needed us. Now it is time for us to be the ones to step out into the unknown adventures and we are so lucky to have family that are willing to support us as we move into this period of our lives. Guy retired on Feb 1, 2011 but continued to work until the end of the school year. Retirement coming that way was a gradual thing and thus we got used to the idea without any fireworks. However at the end of the school year we spent a day clearing out his classroom and began the process of discarding the past. Precious lesson plans and books that were always there to provide a basis and comfort of the tried and true we hard to part with. I was estatic about getting rid of all those papers that clutter our lives...Guy wasn't sure of what to actually keep or toss. What he would want or need later on and so he proceeded with caution and I reined in on my enthusiasm to clear everything out knowing that when he was ready he would let go. I had had to go through a similar experience a few years before when I stopped teaching seminary and institute as a daily thing. I had files of precious knowledge that it was hard for me to sort and toss. I still hang onto the ones that I loved the most. Its hard not to think that your children or peers will cherish those papers as much as you did. Yet, the world is changing and we need to hurry to catch up. I have found that all of those carefully collected and hoarded stories and lesson plans are now online at everyones fingertips! Guy is slowly coming to realize this too. I cried and we had a prayer in his classroom that day before we left. That room had been Guys for 30 years and the Lord had blessed us with an income that raised 6 incredible children and allowed them to go to college and on missions and studies abroad and a profession that Guy loved for those 30 years. We were humbled at His goodness to us. And also, that now we would be able to retire and live comfortably off of that profession in retirement. In todays world we know what a rarity that is and that we need to use that blessing to bless the lives of those around us. The kids met us in Utah at Melissas for a family reunion and a special dinner honoring their fathers retirement. Cindy presented a box to her father filled with items that he would need for retirement. Such things as a book to read and a spade for his gardening. The kids all sat in a circle in her backyard and told of memories they had of growing up and going to events at Franklin with their father. That night I knew we were really retired. We spent tht week playing at the water park at 7 peaks and Trafalga's game park. The food was great and the kids and grandkids had a great time together. Just before we left for that reunion we were doing our shift at the Portland Temple on Wednesday nights and President Childs announced in prayer meeting that if anyone would like to go to work at the Nauvoo Temple for 6 months this coming summer that we should let him know. That they were looking for missionaries to cover the high patron season during the summer months there. For a few months prior to that, while we were in the early stages of retirement Guy and I had been talking about where and when we would like to go on a mission. During that time often I would be in the Temple on our shift and think that a Temple Mission would be wonderful but was afraid to tell Guy thinking that he wanted to go to some Spanish Speaking mission first thing. So, when this opportunity came up I thought, we should do this but didn't want to say anything to Guy. That night after we came home we were talking about it and we both admitted that we wanted to do it. Pretty cool that Guy was thinking the same thing I was for months too!Spouses really should learn to communicate better huh! Anyways, he called the Temple first thing the next morning and put our names in. We went to the reunion wondering what the next step was. When we returned from Utah we called the Temple office to see if they had heard anything and found out that we were only one of about 100 people who had volenteered to go. We had decided that we would put in our mission papers after Christmas if we didnt get this call and so we were okay with it all anyways. The Sister at the Portland Temple who we talked with told us at that time that it would be a good idea for us to write a letter of intent and submit it with our file to the temple. We typed that up quickly and submitted it. We honestly did not think that we would be going to Nauvoo once we found out that many people wanted to go and that only 2 couples from our area would be asked to go. The hard part had been accomplished. Our minds were now ready to focus on getting things in order to be able to serve a mission. We told the family and the grandchildren and had turned our lives over to the Lord in preparation for something somewhere. It began to be a time of uncertain plans...but plans for something big sometime soon!
The "PAIN OF IT ALL" or in other words, the application process
We went to Utah again at the beginning of October for General Conference and to see Guy run the St George Marathon again. It was a fun trip including a trip to the pumpkin patch with all the grandchildren in the Utah area and Guys boys. When we returned home we were surprised to find that Bishop Kent Ipsom wanted to meet with us. Guy had just recently been released from the High Counsel and called to be the High Priest groupleader for Powell Valley ward and so we thought maybe it was a call for me or could it possibly be the Temple? It was exciting to meet with him in the evening on Oct 9, 2011 and have him tell us that he had been contacted by the Stake President and told that we had been asked to submit our appliction to serve in Nauvoo!We were really humbled that we were selected and found out later that President Childs h ad a big say in that coming to pass. This was Bishop Ipsoms first senior missionary couple leaving his ward and he was as excited about the process as we were. He got online and got us set up to begin the submission of the application process. This process includes a very complete history of past callings and experiences and also a very thorough physical. The Bishop told us that we had until December 15 to complete the process. I thought we would have it completed in 2 weeks time. Little did I know! The next 2 months were filled with doctor and dentist appointments almost every day. We have had every shot and test available, or close to it, that can be run on "people over 50". I was beginning to dread the trip to Kiaser and the dentist and still at this time have to return for 2 final vaccinations before we leave. One of the funniest experiences with all of the application requirements happened in connection with the photo as a couple that we had to submit. It had specific requirements and said that it was to be done in portrait style. Thus Guy and I decided to have our photo done at a portrait studio. We dressed up in our Mission attire and went to the studio. We had a wonderful photographer and discussed our mission with her as she took the photos. The day before we were to leave for a 3 week vacation to Florida to see Guys new baby and go on a cruise, also a new experience for us, we were to meet for the last time with the Stake President for our final interview before he submitted the paperwork to the Missionary Department. All that was left of the paperwork was for me to turn in one final test result and to download our photo to the website.We told the Stake President that we would finish that up before we left on our trip the next morning. I was able to pick up the test result without any delay and put it in the mail to the Stake President, the photo had come in the night before and we picked it up and I came home and tried to download it. That should have taken what 2 seconds....but it wouldnt download...too many pizels! I am so not a computer person and had no idea what to do. Finally I read the small print on the site and it said that we could submit it as it was and that the Church would fix it for us! Yea! We were done with the submission process and on our way to spend time with the kids and to see Tulum and the Kolomoki mounds! Life is hectic but wonderful.
We stopped the mail when we went on our cruise and so as soon as we arrived back in Portland on December 4th we both waited for the mailman to arrive. I was so sure that our call would be waiting in the box when we returned. NO call was there though...it wasn't a big deal but one thing President Hansen said to us in our last interview with him had been pestering me at the back of my mind the whole time we were away. He had said that people are not always given the call that they ask for. These calls are given by the First Presidency and sometimes they need people in other places. I just needed to feel secure in Nauvoo for this first call and I was a a bit concerned about that thought.Therefore, it was with A LOT of JOY and what, a sigh of relief, that on December 13, 2011 the call arrived and YES, it was to Nauvoo! Guy and I both took the book and read it cover to cover. The thing about it that most touched me was that there were individual letters written to both Guy and Me that called us to serve together, but individually. It was so humbling to know that we were being called because we were found worthy to serve. Its funny, when President Condie called to talk with us the first time he said that we had finally made it. He commented that passing all the interviews and application stuff was like being interviewed by the FBI and KGB together and coming up clear! Its a joke but at times the process was pretty intense. But, WE ARE CALLED TO SERVE IN NAUVOO! Its our call, all of us together...I don't think that we will ever be alone anywhere in eternity now cause we are sealed together. Here we go everybody!
Nauvoo Illinois Mission Call
Daylight was just peeking through the clouds this morning as we awoke to a loud whooshing sound coming down our street. It took a moment for it to register that we were home in our own warm bedroom, since we had just arrived home from a wonderful week at Dave and Adrianne's in Bend with Grandma and Grandpa Hill the night before, and that the loud noise was a street cleaner when the phone rang. Guy answered and motioned to me to listen in. President Spencer J. Condie, the Nauvoo Temple President, was on the phone and wanted to talk to us both. He said that he'd like to spend some time this morning getting to know us. We talked about how long we had served in the Temple and what talents we had. Could we sing in the choir? Guy laughingly told him that He could sing and I loved to sing but couldn't carry a tune...so true. Also that Guy spoke Spanish and that He would probably use Guy to help translate during the Pageants! He discussed the financial needs and we pleasantly found out that it will only cost us $500 a month for the apartment unit that we will be staying in and that covered everything except food and clothing and transportation. He asked us about our plans for our house here and we told him that we had a sweet couple coming to stay in our home. (Cameron and Emily Nelson, we loved meeting them during the Christmas break and know that the house will be well cared for). The units that we will be staying in are completely furnished with bedding and dishes etc. The only items we will need to bring are our personal favorite possessions. As a side thought, Cindy made us a wonderful metal board with magnets of all the grandchildren's picture that attach to it. I was wondering how I was going to get All of my Grandchildren and family to be able to surround me there each morning. We will discuss that whole issue soon, but back to Brother Condie's conversation. He told us about the very limited shopping in the area and that we will be able to walk to the Temple each day. Then he asked if we would be willing to stay for 18 months! 18 months! We are very excited. Imagine the thoughts and emotions that that brought on after we got off the phone. I couldn't even think. I needed to talk to someone so I went to the bathroom, only private place in the house right, and prayed, called Patti and talked it out, and knew, this time with faith and no doubt that it is that right thing. We would never ever turn down a call from the Lord, there was never a question about that, but the Comfort of the Spirit came and the Faith required to be able to walk away from all the stuff of the world for 18 months. It shouldn't be that hard, but there are so many things we worry about. Now there is NO WORRY only calm. The Lord will bless us all for our sacrifices and it will all work out. Guy and I went into the den and did a sort of realistic plan of what we will do to prepare. It is interesting that yesterday after the drive home from Bend that we ate lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Hill at a Buffet and when we had finished eating they talked to us about our mission. One of our biggest concerns about leaving at this time is their health. Grandpa has been having heart issues and Grandma is limited in what she is can do. This being understood, they said they wanted us to go for that amount of time and not the worry about them.... the Lord will provide. Their encouragement means so much. Their faith and love in letting us go is such an example. It is because our children and their spouses are so supportive that we are free to go. We also know you will all be on board with this mission call and invite you all to come and meet us in Nauvoo sometime in the next 18 months. We are so excited and have much to do before going.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Stanley G. Ellis visiting General Authority!
Last week we had a full house, this week only Mandy and Leanne came to visit!
Last week we had Stake Conference with a visiting General Authority, Stanley G. Ellis. Because all the family was here, Cathy stayed to entertain the family whole I went to the Adult Session on Saturday evening. Elder Ellis spoke of the baton that is used in a relay race and how we need to take that baton and our righteous family "passing the baton" to future generation. This does not automatically happen, but we must work on this! What will you do to care forward that righteous family? That is the question...
Here are a few scriptures Elder Ellis gave to fight the evil one, even Satan... and overcome Satan, thus carrying your righeous family on to the next gneration:
1 Nephi 22:26 righteousness of this people
DC 10:5 pray always
Matthew 17:21 prayer and fasting
Helaman 3: 29-30 Study the scriptures
DC 121: 4-6 Follow the Prophet
James 4:5 Resist the devil
JS 1:16-17 Excert all power calling upon God
Alma 37: 33 Faith on the Lord Jesus Christ
Helaman 5: 12 Built upon the rock of our Redeemer
DC 19:3 Winning Team
These were Elder Ellis' scripture chain of righteousness to fight the adversary.
The day after the conference, I gave Guy a father's blessing and challenged him to take a few comments of Elder Ellis to act upon (DC 43:10) the secret of Stake conference. He told me I better write some note of the conference... so here they are... a week late, but here nontheless!
Last week we had Stake Conference with a visiting General Authority, Stanley G. Ellis. Because all the family was here, Cathy stayed to entertain the family whole I went to the Adult Session on Saturday evening. Elder Ellis spoke of the baton that is used in a relay race and how we need to take that baton and our righteous family "passing the baton" to future generation. This does not automatically happen, but we must work on this! What will you do to care forward that righteous family? That is the question...
Here are a few scriptures Elder Ellis gave to fight the evil one, even Satan... and overcome Satan, thus carrying your righeous family on to the next gneration:
1 Nephi 22:26 righteousness of this people
DC 10:5 pray always
Matthew 17:21 prayer and fasting
Helaman 3: 29-30 Study the scriptures
DC 121: 4-6 Follow the Prophet
James 4:5 Resist the devil
JS 1:16-17 Excert all power calling upon God
Alma 37: 33 Faith on the Lord Jesus Christ
Helaman 5: 12 Built upon the rock of our Redeemer
DC 19:3 Winning Team
These were Elder Ellis' scripture chain of righteousness to fight the adversary.
The day after the conference, I gave Guy a father's blessing and challenged him to take a few comments of Elder Ellis to act upon (DC 43:10) the secret of Stake conference. He told me I better write some note of the conference... so here they are... a week late, but here nontheless!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Can't Wait to See you All!
So Jen and JP and Family are up here for the weekend. They run a race this Saturday at Lake Hag some 30 + mile. Can you believe that?
They say that this Course so... muddy and they are still eager to run...crazy.
Last weekend, we went to Klamath Falls to watch Josh play in his chess tournament. He won two of his matches. Not bad for a guy who just started the sport!
As soon as the Richards family entered the door we were singing happy birthday to McKenzie . She says: "she doesn't feel different!" Grandma is taking her out to get her gift tomorrow. Girls love to shop! My little friend, Csow C ...with a little round one like this (Chase is trying to spell his name). He says my name is really hard! We are watching videos and partying tonight. They will be here a couple day and we are enjoying them!
Next week, the whole troop will be home together We can't wait!
Love you all till them!
They say that this Course so... muddy and they are still eager to run...crazy.
Last weekend, we went to Klamath Falls to watch Josh play in his chess tournament. He won two of his matches. Not bad for a guy who just started the sport!
As soon as the Richards family entered the door we were singing happy birthday to McKenzie . She says: "she doesn't feel different!" Grandma is taking her out to get her gift tomorrow. Girls love to shop! My little friend, Csow C ...with a little round one like this (Chase is trying to spell his name). He says my name is really hard! We are watching videos and partying tonight. They will be here a couple day and we are enjoying them!
Next week, the whole troop will be home together We can't wait!
Love you all till them!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Oh That GUY
Hey ya all, I'm doing the hen peck thing so we'll see how long this turns out to be.As you can tell from the previou posts...daddy is the man! He fusses around and over me a ton. In fact he runs the vacumn and does the dishes before he heads off to work.....and bless the man...he drags himself off to work now...all the harder cause retirement is now a reailty and I am usually still snug in bed. I cant imagine me cleaning,cooking and taking care of someone who gets to lay around doing pretty much nothing for a month and not ending up resenting it......but not my sweet eternal companion. He writes me sweet cards and leaves them for me to find during the day....amazing huh. When I was searching for him as a kid, I thought that I had a pretty demanding list of who I thought he needed to be. He has filled all my dreams and then been so much more...all I ever never knew that I needed. I laugh when people warn me that
I will go crazy having him home with me all of the time...getting in the way. Thats never been a problem for us...and I honestly count the days like a kid till we can be like that...what concerns me more is who I need need to be, as a young girl I knew in my prideful little heart that Iwas clean and pure and Deserved that boy I was looking for...but now, after all of these years of living with this wonderful man, I am alot more insecure about who I am as a worthy companion for him. Its interesting the lessons lifes experiences teach us. I am so thankful for that careful choice I made all those years ago that has brought me such happiness and gotten me to this wonderful stage of life...pray for me that i can hang tight to DADDYS COAT TAILS as he zips us through these retirement years! In my eyes he is SUPER MAN....cant you see us flying!
I will go crazy having him home with me all of the time...getting in the way. Thats never been a problem for us...and I honestly count the days like a kid till we can be like that...what concerns me more is who I need need to be, as a young girl I knew in my prideful little heart that Iwas clean and pure and Deserved that boy I was looking for...but now, after all of these years of living with this wonderful man, I am alot more insecure about who I am as a worthy companion for him. Its interesting the lessons lifes experiences teach us. I am so thankful for that careful choice I made all those years ago that has brought me such happiness and gotten me to this wonderful stage of life...pray for me that i can hang tight to DADDYS COAT TAILS as he zips us through these retirement years! In my eyes he is SUPER MAN....cant you see us flying!
Monday, January 24, 2011
So get this! Mom and I woke up this morning dicussing out dreams. She was flying a hot pink Barbie car, or at least that colot. I was cleaning the frig. She leans over and say: "You don't have to clean the frig, why do you get up!" You can imagine where we wanted to go with those dreams, huh?
I got my substitute today so I can take mom in on Wednesday for her doctor's appointment. I can't keep mom cooped up, either! She went out shopping today, after bring my gradebook to school. I had a District Meeting tonight after school and stopped to shop for her on the way home. Getting my domestic skills down, real well!
Hope you are not dreaming like we are!
Love you all,
I got my substitute today so I can take mom in on Wednesday for her doctor's appointment. I can't keep mom cooped up, either! She went out shopping today, after bring my gradebook to school. I had a District Meeting tonight after school and stopped to shop for her on the way home. Getting my domestic skills down, real well!
Hope you are not dreaming like we are!
Love you all,
Saturday, January 22, 2011
I'm here for you!
Dear Family,
Mom goes into the doctor this January 26, Wednesday for the follow up with the surgeon. The surgeon will check on her progress. The stitches, bandages, soft case may be removed and then a hard cast will be applied. Eventually, she will get to the point of doing some exercises to strengthen the hand/ thumb, help regain flexiblity, and restore proper function.
She is doing better. She is reducing the pain medication. Mom gave me the pamphlet about here surgery. She had basal joint arthristis. The doctor removed the diseased joint in in her thumb and replaced it with the tendon that was already there, just stretched. that being attached, there should be less pain and she will be able to use her thumb again.
We will keep you posted. In the mean time, I do the shopping house cleaning, cooking. Quit laughing... I know this sound hilarious!
She is already getting tired of being cooped up all day. She will out one time last week, but was worried all the time about her hand. She did not go out today. Her hand was hurt some what today. We will se about tomorrow about church. There will be plenty of time in the future for church. Last week she asked me where I was right before church. I said I was coming home right after Sacrament Meeting. I guess she thought I was coming home to get her. No, way... way too soon to be back at church.
Oh, I have to tell you about a phone converstion, I had with mom last week. She must have just woke up, because our conversation went so slow as you can inagine when you are on pain medication. I finally had to hang up. Not her fault at all, but really funny trying to keep a conversation going.
So how is everyone doing. Keep the phone calls coming, just don't expect conversation with mom!
Love you all,
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Mom went into surgery last Thursday. I took the day off to be with her. We went in at 10:30 thinking we could get a jump on the crowd, but we did not get in until 11:36. The prep to ok forever, since mom's viens are so tiny. After three sticks, they got the a vein so they could start the medicaation to put her out. Yes, mom was glad she did not have to be await. they started the surgery at 1:30 and she was done about 3:30pm. Recovery till about 5:30 and home by 6:00pm. Just about an all day affair!
The Docotor was very pleased with the operation and feels that Cathy will be satisfied with the results. #1 the pain should be gone and They took their time to get it right. The procedure was a little different since she had the cosmetic surery before becasue of the bruise, and to miss that area she made a different cut but took care of most the problem areas. Time will tell, but she is resting and out of pain due to the medication
I know I have been a poor nurse, but I am all she has!
Love you all,
Mom went into surgery last Thursday. I took the day off to be with her. We went in at 10:30 thinking we could get a jump on the crowd, but we did not get in until 11:36. The prep to ok forever, since mom's viens are so tiny. After three sticks, they got the a vein so they could start the medicaation to put her out. Yes, mom was glad she did not have to be await. they started the surgery at 1:30 and she was done about 3:30pm. Recovery till about 5:30 and home by 6:00pm. Just about an all day affair!
The Docotor was very pleased with the operation and feels that Cathy will be satisfied with the results. #1 the pain should be gone and They took their time to get it right. The procedure was a little different since she had the cosmetic surery before becasue of the bruise, and to miss that area she made a different cut but took care of most the problem areas. Time will tell, but she is resting and out of pain due to the medication
I know I have been a poor nurse, but I am all she has!
Love you all,
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Happy New Year!
Our new ward schedule is at 9 am, and I have to be in Estacada at 10am. As usual, mom is a married widow since I now stay at Estacada Ward .In Estacada, I called a new Ward Excutive Secretary and set apart Bro Jason Richards as well as new second counselor in the Elder's Quorum, David Church. Busy day, as I started at 5:30 to get out there by 6:30am for Bishopric meeting andthen PEC.
Mom goes into the hospital, this Thursday weather permitting, for surgury on her thumb joint. This has been long in coming. She will get a blessing Wednesday. I mention the weather because the last week the temperature has been warm, but will return mid week with possible snow/ice.
Join with us on Jan 18, 2011 for a fast for MIke who will be taking an important test for entrance of his Master's Program. We have all the confidence will will do great!
Love you all,
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