Sunday, January 4, 2009


Mandy recieved a gift this year for her birthday that has kept us in suspense and up late nights for almost 2 weeks now. Prision Break! Since it has been snowing and pouring rain since Christmas, we have been snuggling under the covers and watching Prision Break from morning till evening. In fact, our first thoughts in the morning are...what will today bring to our new friends Michael and Linc! We have completed seasons 1,2 and 3 in little over 2 weeks time. We have survivied it well with only a few squirmishes over whether or not the stop button was pushed while one of us had to leave the room for some reason, or were just too tired for "Just one more" at night or who was taking all of the blankets.( Of course that was my sweet husband) He assures me that he never meant too but the suspense of some of the episodes also had me with the covers held high too. We finished season 1 and bought season 2 just before Mike and Mandy headed down to BYU. We finished season 2 early on New Years eve and while Guy was in interviews I found season 3 online at Target. Guy was going to pick it up for us after his interviews but as he was leaving he realized that he had locked his keys inside the institute building. I am pretty sure it was all the excitement of finding season 3 that caused that moment of lightheadedness. I went to pick him up and together we ventured into the snowy night to find Season 3. By this time in the seasons we didnt want to waste a moment and so I dropped him off at the door to the store to get our purchase while I kept the car running. It was freezing outside and it was taking him way too long...I began to panic that he couldnt find it or that all the copies had already disappeared from the I parked and went in to find him. You cannot imagine the relief in my heart as I saw him coming towards me with a little target bag! It was going to be a great New Years Eve after all. We hurried home as fast as the wintery weather would allow and sank into our warm blankets for yet another night of Prision Break. By time we had completed that season a couple of days later we were both ready to find season 4. I knew then and there that we had become Prision Break junkies and that we would have to go through withdrawls. It was with a sad heart that we finished the last disc of season 3. It wasnt long the next morning before we were both on the computer looking for the next fix. With our limited computer skills we came up with very little. Poor Michale Scoffield was left out there alone and we had no way to find out what was happening to him. At this point we began hitting on our family members to try to help us. Maria was wonderful in finding a site and leading us...but we couldnt access the first part of season 4....thank heavens for a YSA Zoolights trip that night that gave us something to fill the hours. Then joy of joys, tonight we talked with Guy Guy about our problem and he was able to hook us up with a site that we can watch it on the computer. We pulled it up with him still on the phone to help us through the steps and low and behold...there it was! It was the Sabbath...but we had to press the forward arrow on the screen just to make sure it would really run...but mind you...with the two of us together...we resisted the urge...till is blessedly snowing again tonight. Hopefully Guy will be able to stay home with me just one more day, if will be a long long day alone fighting the temptation to secretly take a peek...I cannot imagine how dreary the world will look once we are totally caught up! But for tonight I will sleep well knowing that its there waiting for me when I wake!

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