Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Life is a Gift

Monday afternoon at about 3:00 Grandpa Hill experienced a Heart Attack. The first time I said it out loud it was horrible, it really became real then. I could list step by step what happened to him...medically. But what I want right now to do is just tell the whole world that Guy and I are so very thankful that Dad made it through. Hopefully he will be able to go home tomorrow. As we were driving to the hospital before we really knew that he was going to pull through, all I could think of was that we love him to much to let go and what was he thinking! We all need more time with this incredible man. To gleen everything that we can from him and the way he has lived his life. I have also realized more than ever before that there is no way to separate Mom from Dad because they have become so one with each other that whenever I think of one, the other is automatically part. I think that is what eternal love is. They have figured it out and really have no fear of death, their only fear seems to be no desire to be without the other here on earth for any lenghth of time and how to make each others life as comfortable as they can. Parents are the people that we turn to for whatever needs creep up on us in our lives. Spiritual, physical, doesnt really matter. Mom and Dad have been that constant in our lives. I remember after my parents passed away that I felt as if I were and orphan. That I had no one. I realized very forcefully on that drive to the hospital that that was never the case. I am tied through a love greater than I knew I had, to these two wonderful people, and to all their family. How can I thank God enough for watching over us all like He has and for giving us more time? We only get to walk this path once, lets be sure to walk it slowly and together all the way huh.

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